A Businessman Who Really Did Give it All Over to God
A lot of people have bucket lists. For Stanley Tam, a three-and-a-half gallon plastic bucket became the key that turned a small silver reclamation firm into a major manufacturer. “You might …
Concerned about the cultural issues you and your child are facing today? Learn how issues like abortion, pornography and entertainment affect Christian values.
A lot of people have bucket lists. For Stanley Tam, a three-and-a-half gallon plastic bucket became the key that turned a small silver reclamation firm into a major manufacturer. “You might …
C.S. Lewis - 'The Screwtape Letters' is a popular satire that defines good as evil and evil as good in fictional letters that a demon named Screwtape sends to his …
The Bible contains more than 100 verses dealing with the importance of honesty and reliable standards of value. Americans are reeling under an inflation rate now estimated at nearly 10 percent. …
Have you ever been misunderstood in the neighborhood? Have you ever been MISUNDERSTOOD? Would you agree that being MISUNDERSTOOD is emotionally painful? One of the hardest burdens to bear is being …
In 2019, my family visited The Billy Graham Library in Charlotte, North Carolina. I encourage everyone to make a visit, no matter their faith background. It is the only place …
In addition to "Blue Miracle," some other winners included Jennifer Hudson, "Dune," "Boss Baby: Family Business," and "A Quiet Place II" “Blue Miracle,” a heartwarming film starring Dennis Quaid and …
Loving your neighbor comes right out of the second commandment. More than a Jingle There’s a famous jingle written for State Farm: “Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.” It’s brilliant. The …
POWER OF ONE SERIES The story of Demos Shakarian, who loved Jesus and started the Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International (FGBMFI). Celebrating 70 years of loving Jesus This year marks the 70th …
Following her cancer recovery, Casey DeSantis echoes the message of House of Hope: ‘God is good, and hope is alive’ ORLANDO, Fla. — Orlando House of Hope honored First Lady Casey …
Putting your money where your values are is not a new strategy. The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. In 1968, the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. deployed strategic use of business ethics …
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